Helping to create a store loved
about mystery shopping research Become a Shopper-
We can support your
business needs in Japan. -
As a partner for on-site improvement in the service industry,
MS&Consulting helps service companies improve customer
satisfaction with data and theory through the science of customer
contact points.
- Data-driven survey design
In order to differentiate your store from other stores and increase sales,
you need to go above and beyond satisfaction.With the completion of 234,000*1 surveys a year,
(*1):As of February 29, 2020
we are the leading mystery shopping company in Japan.
Our team of experts will help you develop survey formats which enable you to
take a grasp of the "customer-impressing points" that directly correlate with sales.
- Access to vast variety of shoppers
The opinions of customers who are far outside the target group are not usually helpful
(*2):As of February 29, 2020
to the store improvement.
With more than 510,000*2 mystery shoppers registered,
we provide you with access to the largest group of mystery shoppers in Japan.
It allows you to specify shopper attributes to fully meet your project requirements.
- Top-quality reports
Our survey formats include comment questions that go beyond a simple yes/no check
to provide detailed information of the situation and the reasons for the shopper's impression.
In addition to our dedicated staff members double-checking the results, we often
communitcate with the shoppers after their visits to pursue higher accuracy and quality.
- At-a-glance survey results
The survey itself is mere a starting point for store improvement;
how the survey results are utilized is what makes them meaningful.
Our survey data is presented in visually rich charts and tables
that show trends and issues for all your stores at a glance.
to pursue customer and employee satisfaction
234,000 visits per year
510,000 shoppers registered